Book Reviews
Creating the Not So Big House - by Sarah Susanka, 2000, Taunton Press, the sequal to her best-selling The Not So Big House. Sarah Susanka showcases 25 beautiful homes, demonstrating how her smaller-scale approach to home design can be applied to different housing styles. www.susanka.com
The Cabin - by D. Mulfinger & S. Davis, 2001, Taunton Press. "Inspiration for the classic American Getaway" celebrating the appeal of this unique form of retreat, providing inspirational and practical ideas for realizing your own cabin dream.
Patterns of Home – the ten essentials of enduring design by Jacobson, Silverstein and Winslow, 2002, Taunton Press. A thoughtful book and guide based on the architects bible “A Pattern Language” providing a design process of discovery and pattern links forming a language to guide a process.
Book Recommendations
Artisan Crafted Timber Frame Homes by Jonathan Vincent, AIA and Tina Skinner (more info on TImberpeg page)
Timberframe Interiors by Dick Pirozzolo
Adirondack Camps by Craig Gilborn
Great Lodges of the National Parks by Christine Barnes
Adirondack Style by Ann Stillman O'Leary
The New Bungalow by Bialecki
Cabin Fever by Rachael Carley
A Master Course in FENG-SHUI by Eva Wong
The New Cottage Home by Jom Tolpin
Mountain Living www.mountainliving.com
Timber Home Living www.timberhomeliving.com
Timber Homes Illustrated www.timberhomes.com
Timberframe Homes www.timberframehomes.com
Pinnacle Living Mountain Homes Magazine www.pinnaclemtnhomes.com
Log & Timber Style www.logandtimberstyle.com
Building Systems www.buildingsystems.com
Timberpeg www.timberpeg.com
Timber Framers Guild www.tfguild.org
Structural Insulated Panels Assoc www.sips.org
SIP Panel Manufacturer www.foard.panel.com
SIP Panel Manufacturer www.winterpanel.com
Precast Concrete Foundations www.superiorwalls.com
WNC Green Building Council www.wncgbc.org
NC Healthy Built Homes www.healthybuilthomes.org
NC Solar Center www.ncsc.ncsu.edu/
NC Sustainable Energy Association www.ncsustainableenergy.org
NC Green Power Renewable Energy www.ncgreenpower.org
US Greenbuilding Council www.usgbc.org
Southern Energy Management www.southern-energy.com
Energy Star www.energystar.gov/
Building Science www.buildingscience.com
Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy www.eere.energy.gov
US Department of Energy www.energy.gov
Green Sustainable Design www.oikos.com
Tax Credits Renewable Energy www.dsireusa.org
M&T Mortgages for Timber Homes www.systembuilt.com
For more information about working with Kenneth J. Wertheim, Architect, get in touch or check out his comprehensive Architecture Portfolio.